
Harshit Gupta


I am a highly motivated student pursuing a B.Tech in Computer Science and Engineering (2021-2025) from Galgotias University, Noida.
I am proficient in Data Structures using Java and Passionate about webdevelopment with expertise in MERN Stack (MongoDB, Express.js, Tailwind css, React, and Node.js).


Harshit Kumar Gupta
+91 7525011203


Greater noida - knowledge park2 (201310)

22 years - (20/08/2002)


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Guessing Game

Developed a number guessing game using JavaScript, HTML, CSS with a random generated number.

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Quiz Webapp

A quiz app using React.js. After attempting it, user will receive score with count correct and wrong answers

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Crud Webapp

A CRUD web app using React.js and store data in local storage, making it easy to perform all CRUD operations

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Rest Api

Created rest api using express js, Nodejs, MongoDb atls and perform all operation( Create, Read, Delete, Update)

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News Webapp

News platform for top headlines.Using React js, css for frontend, and help news api for showing new top headlines.

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User Authentication

A user authentication platform for user . User can see his own details in this platform. For storing token using cookies. Using Reactjs, Express js, Nodejs, MongoDb, tailwind css

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Image Gallery

A social media platform.Using React js and tailwind css for frontend, Express js, Node js for backend, for Database use mongoDb Atls and store token we use local storage .For image handling using cloudinary and multer

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Booking restorant

A booking restorant(airbnb clone) platform.Using React js and tailwind css for frontend, Express js, Node js for backend, for Database use mongoDb Atls and store token we use local storage .For image handling using cloudinary and multer

